Welcome to the home of the
Houston Area Visually Impaired Network (HAVIN).


HAVIN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization comprised of various volunteer groups and organizations from across Houston that serve the information, resource, and support needs of the blind and visually impaired. Our vision is to educate, provide peer support, and unify the blind and visually impaired community in the Greater Houston area.


Our mission is to provide training, education, workshops, seminars, and mentorship to the blind and visually impaired Community,  providing skills and resources to help individuals live full and independent lives.

Because we are blind and visually impaired ourselves, we understand how large in area Houston is and the challenges this poses to the many people from across our great city who are also blind and visually impaired. Our goal when starting HAVIN was to try to make it a little smaller for us, at least once a year, for those of us who are blind and visually impaired. To do this, we bring together the various support groups and nonprofit organizations that serve the blind and visually impaired community and make up HAVIN to host at least one event a year, the annual Insight Expo. While its not practical to come to each of our group’s individual meetings, it is possible for us to come together for that one day a year and bring unity to our community.


That is how we started, but we have grown to do so much more than that today. Read below for the latest news and information about HAVIN. There are also links to our “About Us” page above, and “Our Groups,” if you want to find out about our history, or to contact one of the groups that comprise HAVIN.



Make a Donation to HAVIN


Even though we are a dedicated group of volunteers working collectively to serve our community, we still have expenses and rely on the generosity of donors to help us meet our financial obligations. If you would like to make a tax-exempt donation to support the work of HAVIN, know that it is much appreciated.

Secure donations can be made  through Square using a debit or credit card at this link:

Donate to HAVIN

However, if Zelle, PayPal, or the Cash app are your preferred methods of donating, we also have accounts set up on each of those platforms to receive payments.

For Zelle and PayPal, send donations to



for the Cash app, our Cashtag is  $HAVINTX



2025 HAVIN Game Day

Are you ready to play? Then HAVIN’s got a treat for you!

🃏 🎲 🎁

We’re excited to announce the return of the HAVIN Game Day. For this fun-filled event, we will be meeting in-person. If you enjoy playing accessible games, socializing with your friends, and winning prizes, this event is for you.


Event: HAVIN Game Day

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025

Time: 2 Pm to 5 PM

Location: Metropolitan Multiservice Center

              1475 W. Gray St. Houston, TX 77019

Cost: $5 per person


Note: Register now but pay at the door. Payments will be taken on the day of the event.

*IMPORTANT Electronic payments only. I.E. Credit/Debit card, Wireless Tap&Pay.


Register here!


Registration will close on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. at 5 PM Central time.


2025 HAVIN Insight Expo


That’s right, our annual, signature event is coming soon! And pre-registration is open.


Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025,

Time: 9 AM to 2 PM


Health 1 Building – University of Houston central campus

4401 Martin Luther King Blvd

Houston, TX 77204.


This year’s theme is Life After Vision Loss… We’re All in this Together

Our keynote speaker this year is Tricia Waechter of Blind Girl Designs.

Cost: $11 per person



Attendees who pre-register are guaranteed a lite breakfast, box lunch, and will be entered into a drawing for door prizes.

Onsite registration will also be available on the day of the event.

*Those who register on the day of the event are not eligible for door prizes. Also,  breakfast and box lunches will be available to these attendees while supplies last.


The deadline to pre-register is Friday, March 21, 2025, by 5 PM.


Register here:



HAVIN Game Day

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Join HAVIN as we host a game day at the Metropolitan Multi Service Center at 1475 W. Gray Street. We will have games with other members of our visually impaired community that you can join and play. We’ll have snacks, too! This is a HAVIN fund-raising activity with a $5 admission fee.


HAVIN’s Previous Zoom Workshop: Visions of Unique Perspectives

This was held on Saturday, February 15, 2025  and featured our HAVIN members Naomi Panarella, Ron Graham, and Victoria Hillard. They discussed their individual journeys into vision loss. They discussed the challenges faced, helpful resources they have found, and reflected on the importance of community.

If you miss it, here’s the link on our YouTube channel.



Latest News from HAVIN



HAVIN has a dedicated phone number. Contact us at (713) 570-6968.

Follow us on social media – We’re on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: @HAVINTX
Or through your local group or organization email list.


Recognizing our sponsors and supporters


We appreciate everybody who has donated to support HAVIN. In just the past year alone, there has been an abundant number of charitable donations to HAVIN, and we want you all to know how grateful we are for these. This includes several individuals, as well as businesses. If you are one of the many individuals who have donated to HAVIN, thank you.


We would like to acknowledge the official sponsor of our annual Insight Expo,

The University of Houston College of Optometry

who have been part of HAVIN since our launch and have graciously hosted all of our Insight Expos.


Additionally, we would like to thank the following sponsors for helping us through charitable grants.

Houston Delta Gamma Foundation

WalMart Local Community Grants Team and WalMart Facility # 3579  in Kingwood



And, finally, HAVIN would like to say thank you to the following businesses for supporting us as we have delivered our programming and as we have expanded our operations and service.



Christal Vision Inc.


RGA Tech Solutions

Trader Joe’s



Hear how we began


If you would like to learn more and hear our president telling more about the formation of HAVIN, check out this interview with Chelsea Nguyen at Sight Into Sound studios.

Follow HAVIN on Social Media


We are on Twitter and Instagram: @HAVINTX


Also be sure to follow us on Facebook: (20+) Houston Area Visually Impaired Network – HAVIN | Facebook